Location |
Sign |
Result |
A 4174 – about
half-way between M4
and Kingswood |
Distance to lay-by
shown [A in metres |
Bedford, Priory
Country Park (Bedford
Borough Council) |
Two signs on entrance
to car park: ‘2.0m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘ 6’ 6″ |
Hinxworth |
‘200 metres’ to
Caravan Site, Loves
Lane |
Shefford; A 600 on
Shefford to Bedford
Road****** |
Distance to Forestry
Commission site in
metres (two signs,
250 metres) |
Amended to read in
yards, once with a
temporary amendment,
since then with three
more permanent
amendments (three
times removed by the
Forestry Commission) |
Shillington Village |
Two signs ‘No footway
for 450 metres’ at
either end of village |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Council informed |
Toddington |
Three metric
footpath distance
signs ‘Hunstanton:
235 km ‘Overton Hill
161 km ‘Leighton
Buzzard 13km’
(outside ‘Oddfellows
Arms) |
Amended into miles by
anti-metric activists |
(Royal County of) (13) |
Runnymede |
Finger post signs to
‘Bridge and River’
and ‘St. Peter’s
Hospital’ in metric |
Changed to ‘1m’ and
1.5m’ after
representations by
Edward Huxley |
Windsor Great Park (A
30) |
Entrance to park:
‘500 metres’ – just
inside the Park along
A 30 |
Amended by Deputy
Chief Park Ranger to
yards after
representations by
UKIP and BWMA member
Ted Huxley |
Wokingham – Dinton*
Pastures Country Park
(run by Borough
Council) |
Wooden noticeboard on
entry to the park,
all in kilometres (no
miles in brackets
brackets); yellow
traffic sign:
Alligator teeth ‘
115mm (41/2″) ‘ |
Three separate plates
in miles put over the
metric distances;
115mm and covered
over – work of
antimetric activists |
Wokingham – Sandford
Lane |
6 Road Traffic
roundels ‘ 2. 0 ‘ all
showing ‘ 2.0 ‘ with
‘ 6’ 6″ ‘ underneath |
whited over with
paint in each case by
anti-metric activists |
(51) |
Canal Basin (Broad
Street / Gas Street
basin |
Pedestrian signs only
in metres around the
canal basin and on
the canals (on low
cast-iron around 300
in all |
50 metric distances
amended to date with
equivalent distances
in miles or yards
ACTION] signs) |
Edgbaston |
School entrance sign
in Metres |
Covered over by
anti-metric activist |
Kitts Green |
Metric distance sign |
Lea Hall, on
Macksdown Lane, just
off Meadway East
(B4128), in Solihull/Birmingham
area |
Metric distance sing
to site entrance –
’50m’ (or ‘100m’) |
New Street Station |
Signs for passengers
to lifts in metric |
A 38 – About 2 miles
SW of City Centre |
Sign to low bridge on
roundabout – triangle
with only ‘3.3m’ on
it |
Clifton Suspension
Bridge |
Sign to Observatory:
200 metres |
Clifton Suspension
Bridge |
Royal Hotel: Car Park
50m |
A 41 – off Junction 9
on the M 40 (Bicester
turn-off) |
Two signs to
pedestrian crossing:
250 metres and 200
metres |
Replaced in British
units by the Highways
Agency after
representations by
Spreadbury |
A 421 / B 4033 Great
Horwood, north
Buckinghamshire |
Temporary Sign:
”Road Closed 1,000
METRES’ (erected by
Anglian Water) |
Covered with black
tape by construction
company after
representations by
Alan Heath |
Beaconsfield Railway
Station |
Car Park Height
Restriction Sign in
Metres |
Changed to feet and
inches after a letter
to Chiltern Railways
by Steve Humphries.
They said they were
changing the sign to
feet and inches
because they were
more ‘user-friendly’ |
Buckingham** (River
Ouse Riverside) Walk) |
A series of
double-sided wooden
pedestrian signs in
metric along the
‘Riverside Walk’ |
110 distances on 43
double-sided fingers
on 18 signposts
amended by
activists. The
Council pulled off
twelve plates with 22
metric distances on
them. These have now
been replaced by an
anti-metric activist |
Buckingham (Town
Centre) |
Sign on wall: ‘United
Reformed Church
200m |
Anti-metric activist
converted ‘m’ to
‘yds’ |
Buckingham (Town
Centre) |
Restriction sign for
long vehicles over
20′ (6.1m) |
Metric distance
deleted by
anti-metric activist |
Buckingham – Maids
Moreton, Mill Lane |
Five road width signs
all saying ‘2.25m’ or
‘2.3m’, some with
metric distances on
as well |
Metric signs were
supplemented with
ones in British
widths (7′ 6″) by the
Council. [The metric
ones have now been
removed by an
anti-metric activist] |
Cliveden House
(National Trust) |
Two signs to car park
‘400 metres’ on
entrance |
Covered over by
anti-metric activists |
Flackwell Heath |
Six temporary
red-and-white signs
warning of distance
to site entrance
ahead (600 M, 400 M,
200 M) |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘yds’ instead
of ‘M’ |
High Wycombe Frogmore |
Distance to road
width |
Amended to read in
yards by the Council
as a result of
representations by
Steve Humphreys |
Swanbourne |
Two metric signs
giving the distance
to Swanbourne House
School: ‘100 m’ |
The larger one has
been amended by an
anti-metric activist
to read ‘100 yds’ |
Wendover – B 4009 |
Metric distance on a
sign for a garden
buildings firm |
Corrected’ by
anti-metric activist |
A10 Temporary Road
Works at Foxton Level
Crossing |
6 temporary distance
signs to road works:
‘800 MTR’, ‘600 MTR’,
’40 MTR’ |
Painted over by
anti-metric activists
and ‘yds’ substituted
for ‘MTR’ |
A 1037 Cambridge to
Haverhill Road (about
6 miles S.E. of
Cambridge) |
Sign: ‘Copley Hill
Commercial Centre:
150m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activist
to read ‘150 yds’. A
similar sign on the
northbound side was
changed by officials
to read ‘250 yds’ |
A 1307, about two
miles north of
Babraham near turning
to Shelford |
Two large direction
signs giving (3)
heights to low bridge
as ‘ 4.6m ‘ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 15’ 1†‘
(one of them had to
be repaired) |
A 1198, between
Royston and
Huntingdon |
Two road width signs
in metres only
(‘2.0m’) |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘ 6’ 6″ ‘ |
A 505 (just west of
Royston) |
Eight metric distance
signs from ‘200mtrs’
to ‘800 mtrs’
‘Danger-Road Works
Ahead’ signs |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Addenbrooks Hospital |
Two signs in hospital
grounds: ‘Stop 25M’ |
Physically amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ’25 yds’ |
Anglesey Abbey (north
east of Cambridge) |
Sign to entrance:
‘300m’ |
Physically amended by
anti-metric activist
to read: ‘350 yds’ |
Babraham – on road
off A 1307 about one
mile north of village |
Car Park sign: ‘ 2.0m
‘ ( 6’ 6″ ) |
Metric sign
obliterated and
brackets painted out
by anti-metric
activists |
Bar Hill, west of
Cambridge on A14
heading east |
Metric sign: ‘100m’
(or ‘200m’) |
Nightingale Road |
Sign to road humps,
’30m>’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Cambridge, Queens
College |
Five notices giving
directions to parts
of college in metres |
Each now has a metal
plate stuck the over
it giving the
equivalent distance
in yards (anti-metric
activists) |
Cambridge, Botanical
Gardens |
Sign on Trumpington
Road giving distance
to gardens as ‘350
metres’ |
Anti-metric activists
stuck metal plate
over it saying ‘1/4
mile’ |
Duxford, A 505 about
1/4 mile west of M 11 |
Sign: ‘No right turn
300m ahead’ |
Illegal distance
covered over by
anti-metric activists
with black paint |
Ely Town Centre |
11 finger-post signs
with 62 separate
double ‘fingers’ on
them distances to
place the town centre
in |
Anti-metric activists
swooped on -sided 10
Nov 2001; replaced
the metric giving
distances with 124
metal plates s in the
showing distances in
miles and metres
yards. Training video
made. Press & TV
reports available.
Council conceded
their signs were
illegal and said the
new ‘Imperial’ signs
would stay |
Histon, just south of
A 14 |
Three road width
signs in yards with
metres in brackets |
Metres covered over
by anti-metric
activists with parcel
tape |
Huntingdon Ring Road |
4 road width signs
‘3.0m’ |
Physically amended to
read ‘9’ 10″’ |
Littleport |
Two unnecessary
metric height signs
at level-crossing
(also illegal as
showing height to two
decimal places –
2.51m |
Removed |
Longstowe, on A 1198 |
Private metric
distance signs to
‘The Red 100 metres |
Converted with the
agreement House’, of
the proprietor to
‘100 yards’ and ‘200
yards’ |
Manea Nature Reserve |
10 signs in metric
units only |
Covered over by
anti-metric activist |
March, Broad Street |
Red traffic signs
including the words
’60 metres ahead’ |
Amended by the
Council after
representations by
UKIP member Len
Baynes |
Newmarket, on B1065
near railway bridge |
Two metric-only
height signs: ‘ 4.2m
‘ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Newmarket, Synford
Poynton Hotel |
Sign to hotel: ‘ 350m
‘ |
Peterborough |
Three illegal dual
width signs at
entrance to
industrial estate,
East Peterborough |
Metric widths painted
out by antimetric
activists |
levelcrossing |
Four dual Imperial/
metric height signs
at level crossing |
Metric heights (4.6m)
obliterated by
anti-metric activists |
Shalford area |
Nine blue-and white
dual Imperial metric
signs to height
restriction |
Metric heights (4.6m)
obliterated by
anti-metric activists |
Wimpole Hall** |
Sign giving two
distances to parts of
Wimpole Hall in
metres (25m and 400m) |
Changed to ’30 yds’
and ‘ 1/4 mile’ by
anti-metric activists |
See also under
Northampton on –
River Nene |
Canalside Walks |
A series of metric
footpath signs
alongside the Crewe
and Nantwich canal
network |
Several sites in
Crewe and Nantwich
investigated but
signs not found)] |
A34 near Congleton |
Metric distance sign |
Replaced by Cheshire
County Council with
sign in Imperial
units |
M6 in Cheshire |
Distance signs on M6
in kilometres |
Two (262.0 and 293.0)
removed by an
anti-metric activists |
East Looe |
4 metric distance
sign Looe Bridge and
c |
s at Amended to
British units by the
Council car park
after representations
by local activists |
Eden Project, St.
Austell |
2 metric distance
signs on approach
road to the Eden
Project (in km) |
Changed to Imperial
by the Eden Project
after being requested
to do so by Cornwall
County Council after
campaign organised by
John Bass, Chairman
of Cornwall UKIP |
Forestry Commission
site (to be
identified more
precisely) |
Metric distances on
green signs |
Fowey |
Three metric
distances to Public
Toilets |
Replaced with signs
in yards by the local
Council after
representations by
local anti-metric
campaigners |
Goss Moor |
Dual height sign on
low bridge where
there to have been a
number of crashes |
The sign is legal,
but *confusing* seem
Grampound |
Two metric distance
signs |
Converted to yards by
local Council after
protest by Cornwall
UKIP (reported by
John Bass) |
Tamar Bridge (A 38) |
Sign 1 mile east of
Tamar Bridge gave
road metric only |
British unit width
sign added after
width in
representations by
Bruce Robertson of
Trago Mills |
Tintagel |
Sign to public
toilet: ‘250m’ |
Council say they
won’t change the
signs as ‘it’s
private’ [AWAITING
Torpoint |
Two distance signs to
Anthony House in |
Changed by local
Council to yards
metres after
representations by
UKIP Cornwall
Chairman Jon Bass |
Acrefair, near Trevor
(main road) |
Two triangular car
park traffic signs on
entrance: ‘ 2.2m ‘ |
Moel Famau (Forestry
Commission), near
Ruthin |
Two signs to Forestry
Commission Car Park:
‘ 200m ‘ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 200 YDS’ |
DEVON (24)
A 38 Parkway (between
Tamar Bridge and
Marsh Mills
Roundabout (Plymouth
area) |
Sign erected by
contract- ors Mott
McDonald warning
motorists of road
works for the ‘next
six kilometres’ |
Changed by
contractors after
representations from
C.I.B. activist David
Owen, who initially
reported the matter
to the Police |
Bradninch |
Sign with 10
fingerpost signs |
Amended to Imperial
units by antimetric
activists |
Exeter (City Centre) |
Sign: ‘Give Way 50
metres’ |
Changed to yards by
the Council after
representations by
Roger Kendall
(reported in ‘Daily
Telegraph’) |
Highampton, Burton
Art Gallery/Tourist
Information Centre |
Two metric signs:
‘Long Stay Parking
100 Metres’ |
Reported by Mrs Jo
France |
Totnes |
Sign under Town
Council meeting room:
‘4.3m’ (no Imperial
height) |
Westward Ho! |
Sign: ‘Toilets 150m’ |
Replaced by Council
with sign ‘150 yds’
after representations
by E Winkfield |
Winkleigh |
Sign: ‘Toilets 150m’ |
Replaced by Council
with sign ‘150 yds’
after representations
by Mike France and
Charles Tapp |
Bournemouth Promenade |
Signs along the
promenade giving
distances to toilets,
nosmoking zones and
beach offices in
metres |
22 distances on six
signs amended by
anti-metric activists |
(Southbourne) |
Sign outside ‘Bistro’
restaurant on
Soutbourne promenade:
dangerous to swim at
20 metres |
#NAME? activists to
read: ’22 yds’ |
Bournemouth (Hurn)
Airport |
Signs saying ’25
metres’ to road humps
(two signs?) |
Changed to Imperial
distances after
letters from Allan
Tallett of UKIP New
Forest |
Christchurch |
Road traffic metric
distance sign on the
highway |
Replaced with sign in
British units after
letter from UKIP
member Miss Rosemary
Nixon |
Christchurch –
Priory/** Quay area |
Three double-sided
cast iron pedestrian
signs giving
distances in metres
(‘500m’, ‘250m’,
‘100m’) |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to Imperial distances |
Christchurch –
Stanpit and Tuckton |
Four car park height
signs: ‘ 2.0m ‘ or ‘
2.1m’ |
Changed to ‘ 6’ 6†‘
or ‘ ‘6’ 9†‘ by
antimetric activists |
Lyme Regis |
Metric distance
signs; two near
Lifeboat Station
(Grid Ref. 345932),
two on the coast path
(Grid Ref. 344933) |
Signs ’75 metres’ to
Car Park and ’30
mtrs’ to Toilet
amended to ‘100 yds’
and ’50 yds’ by
activists. Footpath
sign ‘Footpath
Diversion: 150
metres’ changed to
‘170 yds’ (both sides
of finger sign) |
Norden Station, near
Corfe Castle |
Signs to Norden
Station: ‘200 metres’
and ’50 metres |
Sign ’50 meters’
found and changed to
’50 yds’ (to
cycleway). Other sign
a freestanding
metric sign saying
‘100 metres’ in the
same area removed |
Poole Promenade |
Two metric signs to
Toilets |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Matchams: Forestry
Commission |
Sign to Forestry
Commission Car Park:
‘100 m’ |
The ‘m’ covered up
with a sign saying
‘YDS’ by anti-metric
activists |
(A 31, westbound) |
Sign to roadworks
ahead (T.J. Brent):
‘100 metres’ |
Amended to yds after
representations by
Wng. Cdr. Alan
Tallett |
Studland (Shell Bay) |
‘Sign: ‘Naturists
will be seen 900mtrs
beyond this point’ |
Amended to read ‘1/2
mile’ by antimetric
activists |
Worth Matravers |
Sign to car park:
‘100m’ and ‘400
metres’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to ‘100 yds’ and ‘
1/4 mile’
respectively |
Auldgirth |
Estimated 8 signs
along a cycleway
around the A76 at
Auldgirth |
Demetricated on order
of the Scottish
Executive after
letter from Active
Resistance to
Metrication |
Birtley, Lord Lawson
School |
Distance of road
humps: ‘300 metres’ |
Amended to read ‘300
yards’ by antimetric
activists |
Chester-le-Street |
Metric Distance sign
on industrial estate |
Council ordered it to
be removed or
replaced with
Imperial sign after
letter from local
resident Elizabeth
Hewitson. It was
replaced |
Durham |
Metric fingerposts in
town centre |
but one sign
reading ‘D.L.A. – 1
km’ replaced with
signs reading ‘3/4m’ |
Durham |
Metric-only road
traffic signs
reported by Martin
Reaper |
Shotton Colliery
Bruce Glasier Terrace |
Sign to cycleway: 45m |
Replaced by Council
with signs saying ’50
yds’ |
West Whickham |
Sign to Garden
Centre: 400 metres |
Reported by Elizabeth
Hewitson; amended to
‘1/4 mile’ by
anti-metric activists |
Musselburgh and
Tranent area |
Several (around 14)
metric pedestrian
signs |
Amended into yards by
Council after
representations by
William Scott
(fingerpost) |
A 12 (Witham) |
Two large dual height
signs: ‘ 3.9m ‘ and ‘
12’ 9†‘ on
traffic sign |
Metric heights
painted out by
anti-metric activists |
A 127 footpath signs
east of junction with |
Metric distances
first, Imperial in
brackets |
Metric distances
deleted by
anti-metric activists |
A 128 (4) 1-2 miles
east of M 25 + (2)
just west of Hadleigh
(Rushbottom Lane) +
(2) to Church Road
(just east of the
junction of A 127 and
A 128 + (5) between
and Little Burstead +
(4) in the Little
Burstead area plus
four distances on a
sign at Hutton + sign
at Herongate (Old Dog
Inn seen by Mrs
Shirley Speight) |
metric A footpath
signs (Essex C.C.),
most of them leading
in kilometres with
miles in brackets |
mended into miles by
activists, apart from
a sign to Old Hill
Road in Langdon Hills
Country Park which
was amended by
Basildon Council’s
footpaths officer (!) |
A 120 Colchester to
Coggeshall |
Sign giving distance
to narrow road in
(blue-and-white sign) |
Sign whited out and
Council informed.
Sign now removed by
the Council |
Abridge (Lambourne) |
Metric-only footpath
signs: 0.2KM and
0.4KM just below
Lambourne Church |
Replaced by
anti-metric activists
with signs saying
‘200yds’ and ‘400yd’ |
Basildon (Vange) |
Three double-sided
Essex C.C. signs
giving distances of
1.0 or 1.1 kilometres |
All amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘ 3/4 ‘ Press
reports available |
Basildon Council |
Footpath signs giving
distances only in
kilometres |
Amended by Basildon
Council’s Public
Rights of Way/Cycling
Officer, Terry Buck,
who says he ‘has been
obliterating the
measurements by
spraying them out
with black paint’ (!)
Press reports
available |
Brentwood, Town
centre Car Park |
Four ‘ 2.1m ‘ height
restriction signs |
Replaced by Tony
Bennett with signs
saying ‘ 6’ 9†‘
(later replaced by
the Council erecting
dual height signs
Press reports
available (The
Council claimed the
interference with the
signs was a crime but
later withdrew their
evidence |
Brentwood, Woodways 1
Bridge |
0 Dual roundels in 8
metric (‘ 2.1m ‘) and
Imperial (‘ 6’ 10â€)
over railway bridge
and two
blue-and-white signs
warning of road
restrictions 100
yards ahead in ‘ 2.1
metres’ (‘ 6’ 10” ‘) |
metric roundels
‘blacked out’ in red
paint by anti-metric
activists and two
blue-and-white signs
amended by deleting
the metric distances
‘ |
Chelmsford Oliver
Way/Melbourne |
4 signs to road humps
in metres |
Changed to yards
after letter from
UKIP M.E.P. Jeffrey
Titford |
Chelmsford Lady Lane
(Chelmsford Borough
Council) |
Blue-and-white weight
limit sign: 7.5
tonnes ‘250m ahead’ |
Changed by Council
after letter from ARM
to ‘250 yds’ |
Chelmsford, A 414,**
entrance to Hylands
House |
Entrance to Hylands
House ‘400 metres’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to ‘1/4 mile’ |
Clacton-on-Sea |
Sign in park with
metric distance |
Amended into yards
with permanent marker
by 80-year-old
anti-metric activist |
Clacton-on-Sea, Cliff
top |
Two metric signs on
cliff top to toilets |
Amended into yards by
anti-metric activists |
Martello Car Park |
Two signboards in
metric distances |
professionally by
local antimetric
activists into yards |
Clacton-on-Sea, near
Martello Car park |
Two cast iron finger
post signs
Toilets ‘260m’ and ‘ |
‘Imperial plates’ put
on by anti-metric
activists: ‘300 yds’
and ‘350 YDS’ 320m’
respectively |
Coggeshall |
Blue-and-white metric
distance sign ‘ 500m’
to weak bridge |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Earls Colne |
Two blue-and-white
metric signs ‘ 350m’
to weak bridge |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Epping Green, outside
Travellers’ Friend
pub |
Footpath sign to
‘Lodge Farm’, ‘0.8km’ |
Anti-metric activists
replaced it with sign
saying ‘ 1/2m’ |
Epping Green/Upper
Nazeing** |
Three wooden footpath
signs, with four
distances, all in
kilometres |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
[one set re-amended
after plates taken
off] |
Essex Way Footpath,
Greensted-juxta-Ongar** |
Four double-sided
footpath signs in
metric only |
New British distances
put on with
plates [re-amended
with black-and-white
plates after plates
taken off] |
Frinton-on-Sea** |
Cast-iron sign on
cliff-top with 2
‘fingers’ with metric
distances |
Activists erected 4
‘Imperial’ plates
covering over the
metric distances |
Frinton-on-Sea |
Sign at south Frinton
with 3 double-sided
‘fingers’ giving
metric distances |
Activists erected 6
‘Imperial’ plates
covering over the
metric distances |
Great Hallingbury,
Tile Kiln Lane |
Two metric-only
bridge height signs
(‘ 3.8m’) |
Removed by local
anti-metric activist
and Council informed |
Harlow – Old Harlow,
Chippingfield |
Stone footpath posts
giving two distances:
400m and 1.1km
(erected by Harlow
Council about 30
years ago) |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘400 yds’
and ‘3/4 m’ |
Harlow, Harberts Road |
2 distance signs
saying ‘200 metres’ |
Replaced by the
Council with signs
saying ‘200 yards’.
Press reports
available |
Harlow – Entrance to
new car park, Central
Avenue |
Dual height sign:
2.0m and 6′ 7â€
(twice) |
Metric distances
painted out by
anti-metric activists |
Road, Old Harlow |
red-and-white sign:
“Site Entrance:
Lorries Turning Ahead
100 Metres†|
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Harlow, River Way
Industrial Estate,
Amenity Centre |
Metric heights given
in preference to
Imperial on two low
height signs |
Anti-metric activists
covered over the
metric heights.
Council then erected
new dual unit signs
Harlow, road next to
Outdoor Pursuits
Centre |
2 saying distance to
weak bridge ‘150
metres’ |
Over-labelled by the
Council with signs
saying ‘164 yards’.
Press reports
available |
Harlow, Third Avenue
(near new Town Hall/
Centre)****** |
Metric only height
sign: ‘2.1m’ |
Removed twice by
anti-metric activist
and Council informed.
Dual height sign: 6′
10†and 2.1m now
erected plus another
saying ‘2.1m’ . Dual
height sign – metric
removed (other sign
Hatfield Forest |
Two signs banning
cars on the common
‘within 15 metres’ of
road edge |
amended to read ’16
yards’ |
Little Bromley, near
Manningtree |
Two signs: ‘No
footway for 600m.
approx’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Council informed |
Lower Nazeing |
Three green-and-white
Lea Valley footpath
signs, all in
kilometres (12
distances altogether) |
Amended to imperial
units by antimetric
activists |
Marks Tey – Elm Lane,
off A 120 about 2
miles east of Marks
Tey |
Two blue-and-white
signs giving metric
distances (300m) to
road width
restriction ahead |
Illegal distances
blacked out by
antimetric activists |
Matching Green to
Hatfield Heath Road |
Four warning signs to
road works, 2 each
marked ‘200 metres’ |
All four illegal
distances covered
over by anti-metric
activists. As a
metres’ and ‘400
result the company
concerned had to
over-label around
another 80 signs
across Essex and
Hertfordshire with
red-and-white labels
giving distances in
yards instead of
metres |
Mountnessing, near
Brentwood |
5 road width signs
giving the width as
‘2.1m’ |
Panted out by
anti-metric activist
and ‘6’ 9‒
substituted. Council
forced after several
letters to concede
they were guilty of
an ‘oversight’. Press
reports available.
The Council erected
two separate roundels
as required by the
law – the metric one
on top of course! But
now unknown hands
have removed the
metric roundels Press
reports available |
Newport – village
centre |
Two metric-only signs
giving height to
‘4.34m’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and bridge of Council
informed |
Newport, on A 1183,
just north of Newport |
Height restriction
sign at entrance to
mansion saying ‘3.0m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activist
to read: ‘ 9’ 10†‘ |
Saffron Walden |
Metric distance sign
to Ashdon Road
Commercial Estate
north-east Saffron
Walden: metres’ |
Amended to ‘200 yds’
by anti-metric
activist t of ‘200 |
Scout Chingford |
Sign to Scout
Offices: 100 metres |
Replaced by
anti-metric activists
Headquarters near
with sign saying ‘200
yards’ (more
accurate) |
Sewardstonebury: Just
outside Scout
Headquarters, near
Chingford |
Footpath sign with 4
metric-only distances
on (3.5 Km and 2.1
Km) |
Replaced by
anti-metric activists
with signs saying
’21/4m’ and ’11/4m’ |
Southend Promenade |
32 circular signs on
Southend Promenade
giving distances
every ‘500 metres’ |
Anti-metric activist
replaced the signs
with professional
circular labels in
miles and furlongs.
Press reports
available. Amended
signs still there,
August 2002 |
Southend Promenade |
2 signs to Toilets in
yards with metres in
brackets |
Metric distances
deleted by antimetric
activists |
Southend Promenade |
Sign to ‘Toilets’
120m |
Covered up by Council
after letter from
South Weald,
Sandpit**** Lane
(Brentwood) |
Eight dual width
signs, illegal under
current regulations,
giving width as ‘
2.1m ‘ and 6’ 10 |
Metric units neatly
covered over with
adhesive white
computer labels
(later amended by
Council, then
re-amended by
anti-metric activists
then re-re-amend by
the Council back to
dual units |
Stansted Airport |
Road sign ‘Traffic
Merging 50 metres’ |
’50 metres’ painted
out using black
aerosol. Anti-metric
activist arrested and
charged. Charges
dropped and activist
successfully claimed
Court costs. Press
reports available.
Sign later removed by
B.A.A. |
Stansted Airport |
Sign at Bus Station:
‘Lost Property
office- 80m’ |
Sneating Hall Lane |
Warning sign: ’70
metres’ |
Converted to read ’80
yds’ by antimetric
activist [since the,
replaced by the
council with a sign
saying ‘100 yds’ |
Thorndon Country Park
(South) – close to A
128 (Essex County
Council) |
Two road width signs
inside the car park
both giving the width
as ‘ 2.0m’ |
Metric signs scraped
off and professional
black lettering
reading ‘ 6’ 6†‘
affixed instead |
Warley, on A 128 |
2 footpath signs to
various destinations
in kilometres with
miles in brackets
(double-sided) |
Kilometric distance
and brackets covered
over in black paint |
Waltham Abbey (Epping
Forest District
Council) |
Dual height sign to
car park: ‘ 2.1m ‘
and ‘ 7’0†‘ |
‘ 2.1m ‘ whited out
by anti-metric
activist |
Waltham Abbey/
Sewardstonebury on A
112 I mile south of
Waltham Abbey |
Temporary Road Sign:
“Road Works Ahead 200
MTRS†placed by site
contractors Bell
Frampton |
Removed by Active
Resistance to
Metrication and the
company and Epping
Forest District
Council informed |
Walton-on-the-Naze |
6 signs to toilets,
all metric |
Black-and-white signs
in yards affixed by
anti-metric activists |
Walton-on-the Naze |
6 signs to the
nearest lifebelts,
all in metric
distances |
Black-and-white signs
in yards affixed by
anti-metric activists |
Wick Lane, Wickford |
12 signs all either
giving illegal metric
distances to narrow
road e.g. ‘400
metres’ or illegal
road width: ‘2.1m’ |
Illegal metric
distances painted out
in black leaving only
British distances on
them. Press reports
available |
Wickford, Runwell
Chase |
Large sign to Runwell
Hospital, ‘600
metres’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activist
to: ‘600 yds’ |
Wickford, St. Mary’s
Church/Memorial Park |
Double-sided footpath
sign in the park:
‘St. Mary’s Church
0.3 km’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘300 yds’ |
Lee Valley Park |
Around 200-plus
(mostly footpath)
fingerpost signs, all
in metric distances |
24 signs with 90
single- or double
sided fingers amended
by anti-metric
activists into
Imperial units (157
distances changed to
date) Press reports
available. Lea Valley
Park then physically
removed most of the
amended signs and
said they were
seeking ‘legal
advice’ on what
distances to use on
replacement signs!
Press reports
available |
Still remaining:
three sets of wooden
finger posts, one
between Broxbourne
and Cheshunt, and two
on the Waltham
Forest/Hackney border |
Lee Valley Car Park
entrance signs |
All stating ‘ 2.0m ‘ |
Four at Cheshunt
amended to read ‘ 6’
6†‘; two at Waltham
Abbey |
Lee Valley Park
Cinema Picketts Lock |
Two metric-only
height signs: ‘ 3.8m
‘ |
A 46, just south of
M4 (junction 18) |
Two large
blue-and-white signs:
width limit ‘ 2.75m ‘
in ‘200m’ |
Blacked out by
anti-metric activists
after previous
attempts to black out
the sign by other
antimetric activists |
Little Barrington, on
A between Burford and
Northleach, about one
mile into
Gloucestershire from
Burford |
40 Sign: ‘Fox Inn
1,000 METRES’ (actual
distance: 3/4 mile)
Metric distance sign |
Westonbirt Arboretum
21/2 miles south-east
of Tetbury on A 433 |
Metric signs showing
distance to the
Arboretum |
(WALES) (5) |
Machen to Rhiwderin
road (A 468) |
Four warning signs:
‘Caution: Lorries
turning 100m ahead’
and ‘Caution: Lorries
turning 200m ahead’ |
Crossed out by
anti-metric activist
and ‘100 yds’ and
‘220 yds’ substituted |
Newport Bus Station |
Distance sign
including: ’15m’ |
Removed following
letter to Newport
Council by member of
A.R.M. and BWMA
member John Colegate |
Canolfan Tryweryn
(Canoe Centre) |
Sign to Car Park –
‘100 metres’ |
A 272 / A 32
junction, miles
south-west of Alto |
9 Hampshire Police
Notice: ‘Bikesafe:
200 metres’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read : ‘200 yds’ |
Andover: A342/A3093
ring road near
entrance to Anton
Nature Reserve |
Two illegal signs,
warning of height
restriction sign
‘2.0m’ ’20 metres’
ahead |
Sign saying ‘2.0m’
amended by antimetric
activists to read: ‘
6’6†‘, and the ’20
metres’ sign removed
and the Council
informed |
Eastleigh |
Metric distance signs
(8?) along a disused
railway track now
used as a public
footpath |
Neatly covered over
by anti-metric
activist |
Fritham** |
Two metric Forestry
Commission signs:
’50m’ to Fritham Car
Park; ‘500m’ to
Eyworth Pond Car Park |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ’80yds’ and
‘1/4 mile’
Forestry Commission
erected new sign;
re-amended by
anti-metric activists |
Gosport |
Six metric distance
and road width signs |
Replaced by the
council after
representations by
anti-metric activists |
Matchams (road from
Hurn to Ringwood
about one mile west
of A 338) |
Forestry Commission
sign to car park:
‘100m’ |
Anti-metric activist
covered over ‘m’ with
a plate saying ‘YDS’ |
Romsey, A 3057, one
mile north of Romsey |
Sign: ‘Concealed
Entrance 50 mtrs’
(red metal sign with
white lettering |
Changed by Council to
‘100 yds’ after
letters from Michael
Wigley |
Portsmouth**** |
* Around 20 metric
signs on the seafront
and around Portsmouth
Old Town with over
200 ‘fingers’ on
them, all in units of
quarters of a
kilometre |
3 signs with 30
‘fingers’ on them
converted to British
distances using metal
plates, on 30 October
2001. The Council
hacked them off using
a hammer and
screwdriver two weeks
later. Council now
erecting dual-unit
signing on new signs.
Another 5 signs with
50 double-sided
distances on
converted in July
2002 Press reports
available |
Seafront, Portsmouth |
New dual unit
pedestrian signs
(miles first) |
Eight metric
distances covered
over with plates |
A 414, Hertford to***
Harlow (Eastwick) |
Sign to farm: ‘175
MTS’ (on eastbound
lane) |
Brown-and-white metal
plate placed over it
with ‘200 yds’; this
was removed by the
owner, then painted
out again by an
anti-metric activist
and replaced with
‘YDS’ (sign since
removed completely) |
A 4147 (just under M
10 and over M 1) |
Metric distance signs
for site entrance and
lorries turning: 100
& 200 metres and two
metric width signs in
a lay-by (‘Car Park
width 2 METRES’ |
Distance signs –
metres painted out
and ‘yd’s
substituted; ‘2
METRES’ painted out
and ‘ 6’ 5†‘
substituted |
A 5183, Redbourn |
Sign ‘ 100m ‘ below
‘Give Way’ Triangle |
Removed by
anti-metric activist
and Council informed |
Ayot St. Lawrence |
Sign to Shaw’s Corner
(National Trust)
‘200m’ |
[Sign removed by
National Trust Car
Park; when it
relocated the Car
Park nearer the
house. Not counted as
a ‘demetrication’] |
Cheshunt, Windmill
Lane near Cheshunt
Station |
Road with sign ‘2.0m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘ 6’ 6†‘ |
Cheshunt, Windmill
Lane |
Two car park entrance
signs: ‘ 1.8m ‘ and ‘
1.8 metres ‘ |
Amended to read ‘ 6’
0†‘ and ‘ 5’ 11†‘ |
Colney Heath to
Welhamgreen Road |
Blue-and-white road
sign giving distance
to weight restriction
as ‘550m’ (just over
M1) |
Changed by
anti-metric activist
to ‘600 yds’ |
Croxley (Watford
Road) |
Two distance signs to
school in metres |
Replacement erected
by Council in
response to letter
from UKIP M.E.P.
Jeffrey Titford |
Dobbs Weir (Pindar
Road Level Crossing)
(Broxbourne BC) |
2 height signs in
metric only (1.4m) |
Physically altered by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘ 4’ 6†.
Council then erected
4 separate height
signs, two in
Imperial (‘ 4’ 7†)
and two in metric.
The metric ones have
now been removed by
persons unknown |
Elstree Airport |
Sign on lane to
Elstree Airport: ‘200
metres’ |
Hertford, A 414 (east
Hertford) |
6 signs giving
distance to
contractors site in
metres |
Covered over in black
paint. Signs labelled
in yards by
contractors shortly
afterwards |
Hertford to Essendon
Road |
2 signs to
contractors’ site
entrance ’50 metres’
and ‘100 metres’ |
Covered over in black
paint |
Hoddesdon Highwood
Road |
Sign: ‘ Hump 35m’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Pishiobury Park East
Herts Council |
Car Park height sign
2m |
Potters Bar – Waggon
Road (junction with
Cockfosters Road) |
Metric distance sign:
‘Give Way: 80 m’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activist
and Hertsmere Council
informed |
Pishiobury Park |
Car park height sign
‘2.0M’ |
Replaced by
anti-metric activists
with plates saying 6′
St. Albans East
Station (bottom of
hill) |
Cast-iron metric
distance sign: ‘City
centre, Cathedral –
750m’ |
St. Albans – near
roundabout at
junction of A 4147
(Bluehouse Hill)/ A
5183 (Redbourn Road) |
Sign in metres just
off Batchwood road |
South Oxhey – Little
Oxhey Lane (near
Bushey Arches) |
Sign to road humps:
‘200 metres ahead’ |
Changed by Watford
Council, after
representations by
Neal Webber, to ‘200
yds’ |
Stansted Abbots |
Metric distances on
Lee Valley Park
notice |
Changed by
over-labelling in
Imperial |
Watford Town Centre |
Three green-and-white
pedestrian metric
signs near the town
centre: ‘1km’,
‘650m’, ‘200m’ |
Blacked out by
anti-metric activist
and replaced by signs
saying: ‘3/4’, ‘1/2’
and ‘200 YDS’ |
Watford Town Centre |
Metric-only height
sign at Town Centre
underpass for
cyclists: ‘2.3m’ |
Changed to ‘ 7’ 6†‘ |
Watford – Cassiobury
Park |
fingerpost signs:
‘Emergency phone 224
metres’ and
‘Emergency ‘phone 70
metres’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘Emergency
‘phone 250 yds’
Weathampstead to
Hatfield Road (B 653) |
Sign before
roundabout: ‘Give Way
75m.’ |
Removed and Council
notified |
Wharf Road, Wormley,
Broxbourne |
Dual height sign at
level crossing: ‘
16’6†‘ and ‘5.0m’ |
‘5.0m’ covered over
by anti-metric
activists |
Wheathampsted to
Hatfield Road (B 653) |
Signs to car park
near Brockley Hall:
‘2m’ |
Changed to ‘ 6’6†‘,
and two extra ‘ 6’ 6â€
‘ signs added on to
the car park barrier |
Welwyn Garden City
Howlands Road |
Five signs giving
distance to ‘Caution.
Site Entrance.
Lorries Turning:
100M, or 50M’ |
Signs amended to read
in yards and
Another illegal
metric 200M, or sign
in the yard removed.
The firm (Subterra)
informed in writing |
Wood End, East Herts |
Distance signs:
‘Barrier ahead: 920
metres’ and ‘Barrier
ahead 240 metres’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
after Council failed
to deal with their
sign; Council
informed |
‘Woodside’, S.E.
Herts: Baas lane near
Cheshunt |
2 footpath signs only
in kilometres
(double-sided) |
Removed by
activists; Herts C.C.
informed |
Botanical Gardens, on
Ventnor/St. Lawrence
Road, Ventnor |
Two metric distance
signs: ‘500m’ |
Replaced by the
Council with two
signs stating ‘550
yards’, after
representations by
local activist DG |
Smugglers Inn,
Ventnor |
Metric distance sign |
Replaced by the
Council after
representations by
local activist DG |
KENT (72)
Harrietsham |
6 dual bridge height
signs (2 separate
locations) |
Metric heights whited
out by anti metric
activist |
Dover – cliffs on
west side (country
park – Samphire Ho!) |
 Metric distances on
footpath signs and
benches |
Folkestone |
Distance to toilets
on promenade in
metric |
Hurst Green |
Private metric
distance sign |
Converted permanently
to ‘yds’ following
two ‘corrections’ by
anti-metric activists |
Maidstone (Square
Hill Road) |
Four distance signs
to weak bridge ‘100m’ |
Covered over by
anti-metric activist
in black paint.
Council informed and
admit ‘error’ |
Maidstone (Langley,
just east of Park
Wood, Maidstone, on
A274 heading east |
Distance sign: ‘875m’ |
Staplehurst, A 229 |
Sign: ‘Stapleford
Manor 450 metres’ to
BUPA Hospital (near
Total filling
station) |
Staplehurst, at
Cranbrook Common
(Junction of A 229 /
A 2 |
Sign: ‘Bumbles Plant
Centre 200m’ 62) |
Tenterden area |
57 metric distance
signs, ‘100 metres’
etc., erected by
Transco Pipe lines
warning of approach
to pipeline |
50 signs removed and
the illegal distances
painted out before
being returned to
Transco; the other 7
painted over. Police
charged the
anti-metric activist
involved with theft
and criminal damage,
found guilty on 22
May 2002; case
subject to appeal:
Press reports
available |
Tenterden, High
Street |
2 signs to car park
in metric distance &
heights only |
Covered with black
aerosol |
Tunbridge Wells |
Metric distance sign
to Crescent Road Car
Park |
Removed after letter
to Council from
Rosemary Wickendon |
Whitstable, Abbey
Homes Development |
Sign to Site
Entrance: ‘200
metres’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activist
to read: ‘250 yards’ |
M 62, east of Oldham |
Elevation sign: ‘372
metres’ at highest
point of M62 |
Accrington |
Four signs warning of
weak bridge ahead ‘
30 m ‘ |
Amended into ‘yds’ by
anti-metric activists |
Accrington |
Car park height sign
‘ 2.0m ‘ |
: Amended to read ‘
6’ 6†‘ by antimetric
activists |
Atherton, near Wigan
A 557 |
Several dozen, maybe
100-plus, metric
distance signs
erected by Transco
around their pipeline |
One particular sign
replaced after letter
from UKIP M.E.P.
Jeffrey Titford. We
do not know what
happened to the
others (see Kent
Tenterden area –
above |
Blackpool Promenade |
Finger post signs
giving distances such
as ‘6400 M’ along the
promenade in north
Blackpool |
Six amended so far by
anti-metric activists |
Blackpool Promenade |
Two signs to
emergency telephones
in metres (100 and
200 metres) |
Amended into yards by
anti-metric activists |
Blackpool – Car Park
Height |
Dual-marked car park
height sign stating:
‘2M, 8 CM’ in metric |
Metric height blacked
out by anti-metric
activists |
St. Helens |
Newton Nature trail
has metric-only
distances |
20 metric distances
on 7 metric signs
replaced by plates
showing Imperial
distances |
(Mesnes Park area) |
Two metric-only
bridge height signs
(‘3.2m’) |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Widnes |
Direction sign in
metres |
Amended by Council
after letter from
campaigner |
M 62 summit:
eastbound and
carriageways |
Large hoarding
saying: “Highest
motorway in England:
372m (1221 feet)†|
Anti-metric activists
painted out the
‘372m’ |
Loughborough – Old
Central Railway
Station |
Distance to turning
circle: ’20 metres’ |
Murphys |
Temporary road signs
in metric distances
warning of road works
ahead (about 12) |
Replaced by Murphys
with signs in
imperial as a result
of representations by
Jamie Bye |
A15 North <st2:City
Near Barton-on-Humber |
Two signs warning of
slippery roads for
‘700m’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
Aug-05 |
Gainsborough |
Two dual bridge
height signs |
Metric heights
blacked out by
Anti-metric activists |
(North Kesteven
District Council) |
Three dual car park
height signs in
metres with feet and
inches in brackets |
Amended by
anti-metric activists |
Lincolnshire |
White on blue signs:
height limit ‘ 3.9m ‘
(dual) and ‘ 3.6m ‘ |
Metric deleted and ‘
3.6m ‘ replaced by ‘
12’ 0†‘ |
Great Limber, North <st2:City
w:st=”on”>Lincolnshire |
Highway sign: Weight
restriction ahead
‘200m’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘200 yds’ |
Scunthorpe and North <st2:City
w:st=”on”>Lincolnshire |
Around 20 metric
footpath signs
erected by North
Council |
N. Lincs Council
forced to replace
them by signs in
Imperial by local
campaigner Pat Wells
(Press reports
available: Scunthorpe
Evening Telegraph)
ACTION]. The Council
screwed on
plates in yards to
cover over the
previous metric
distances |
Mablethorpe Sea Front
(East Lindsey
District Council) |
Three large signs to
Council car parks:
‘350M’, ‘750M’,
‘600M’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘¼m’, ‘½m’,
‘600 yds’ |
Scunthorpe – Normanby
Road near Orb Lane |
Metric distance sign:
‘200m’ (road traffic
sign) |
Removed after
representations by
campaigner Pat Wells |
Road |
Temporary sign to
roadworks: ‘100 mtr’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Spalding, Market
Square (Holland
Square) |
Metric pedestrian
signs in the market
square reported to
ARM; Toilets ’80
metres’ and ‘150
metres’ (four
distances) |
Converted to read
‘100 yds’ and ‘150
yds’ by anti-metric
activists |
A 2, east of Peckham |
Sign to college
entrance, white on
blue, westbound south
side of A2 at road
junction: ‘105 metres |
A 13 East India Dock
Road/Newham Way LB
Tower Hamlets |
Metric distance sign
to car park |
Distance plate
replaced by the
Council after letter
from UKIP M.E.P.
Jeffrey Titford |
Road/Camberwell Road
Junction LB Southwark |
Disablement Re
Centre, ‘200m’
(doublesided) |
moved by anti-metric
activists and
Southwark Council
informed |
Amhurst Road signs,
Stoke Newington LB
Hackney |
First-ever traffic
sign in kilometres
showing distances in
km to three local
destinations reported
in ‘Daily Mail’ |
Painted over by
anti-metric activists
on sae day as press
report and changed to
miles; Council then
amended the sign
itself to miles |
Barnet – Cat Hill LB
Barnet |
2 Traffic sign:
Toilets ‘150m’ and
‘100m’ |
Replaced with signs
saying ‘150 yds’ and
‘150 yds’ after
representations by
UKIP/BWMA member
Eddie Worster and
BWMA member Steve
Fenn |
Barnet – High Road LB
Barnet |
Metric pedestrian
sign |
Changed to Imperial
following a letter
from BWMA member
Steve Fenn |
Blackheath Village LB
Lewisham |
4 double-sided signs
to automatic toilet
in metres |
All now painted over
and black card used
to display distances
in yards |
Camden LB Camden |
Metric distance signs
(2?) |
Replaced in Imperial
by Council after a
letter from Jack
Scullard |
Camden LB Camden |
Sign: ‘P – 200m’,
Camden High Street |
Camden Road LB Camden |
Distance to road
width: ‘100 metres’
(blue-and-white sign) |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Council informed |
Canary Wharf / Isle
of Dogs, LB Tower
Hamlets |
Four height signs –
all saying ‘2.15 m’ |
Chicheley Street off
York Street , LB
Lambeth |
Entrance to Car Park
sign: 2.18 M, plus
three blue-and-white
metric distance signs
to local ‘chippie’ |
Car Park sign amended
by anti-metric
activists to read ‘
7’ 2†‘; other signs
removed |
Chingford Park LB
Waltham Forest |
Two double-side
wooden posts in
Chingford High Road:
‘Chingford Park 800m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘1/2 mile’ |
City Road/Old Street
are LB Islington |
a 57 signs giving
distances to road
humps in metres |
Removed in a series
of raids by
antimetric activists.
Returned to Islington
Council after illegal
metric distances had
been painted out. No
action taken by the
Council |
Croydon: Croham Park,
Hurst near Croydon LB
Croydon |
Metric footpath sign
at entrance to park |
Croydon LB Croydon |
Pedestrian sign to
Library: ‘200 metres’ |
Changed by the
Council, by
overlabelling in
yards, after letter
from John Gardner of
Croydon: Tamworth
Street LB Croydon |
Sign at railway
giving height and
length of permitted
vehicles in metric |
Reported to LB
Croydon by John
Gardner of BWMA
Dalston LB Hackney |
Sign Car Park Ahead
‘350m’ |
Over-plated by sign
saying ‘400 yds’ by
anti-metric activists |
Deptford High Street
LB Lewisham |
4 double-sided signs
to Disabled Toilets:
‘500m’, 4’00m’,
‘380m’, |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to 3 x ‘ 1/4m’ and
‘250 yds’ ‘225m’ |
Edmonton, The Angel
LB Enfield |
2 ‘fingerpost’ signs
with 8 double-sided
‘fingers’ giving 15
separate metric
distances |
Replaced with plates
in Imperial units by
anti-metric activists
(30 plates needed)
Press reports
available |
Essex Road, LB
Islington |
Sign to waste
disposals unit: ‘200
Sign amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘200 yds’ |
Exhibition Road, near
Hyde Park and the
Museums LB Kensington
& Chelsea |
Sign on railings:
‘Museums 150 metres’ |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to ‘165 yards’ |
Greenway footpath
from Bow to Stratford
LB Newham |
foot- path signs
giving distances in
metres and kilometres |
Two amended to yards
by antimetric
activists (more
amendments planned) |
Greenwich, Royal Park |
Many distances in the
Royal Park given in
metres |
Hackney |
Dual blue-and-white
signs giving heights
in metres |
Four amended by
painting out ‘4.0m’
and ‘4.2m’ at Dalston |
Hallam Street LB
Westminster |
Sign to ‘Give Way’ 30
metres |
Removed and Council
informed. Council
have replaced it, and
didn’t want their
sign back |
Harold Wood, St.
Neots Road, LB
Havering |
4 metric distance
signs |
Converted to yards by
the Council after
letters from Warwick
Cairns |
Heathrow Airport
Approach Road LB
Hillingdon |
Distance sign to
traffic lights:
‘400m’ |
Covered over with
black aerosol paint |
Hither Green; Manor
Road & Longhurst Road
areas LB Lewisham |
Seven blue-and-white
road width
restriction signs and
four other road width
signs |
Amended into British
distances by
anti-metric activists |
Hither Green; Manor
Road, Longhurst Road
areas the above raid
and a robust letter
LB Lewisham |
(Estimated numbers):
9 blue-and-white road
width signs and
approx. 20 distance
signs to road humps
in metres |
Amended by the
Council following
from ARM (10.12.01);
all now in yards,
feet and inches |
Hornchurch (Osborne
Road) |
4 signs giving road
width and distances
in metric only |
Altered (promptly) by
LB Havering after
letter by local
activist Greta Smith |
(Ravenscourt Grove) |
4 signs giving road
width and distances
in metric only |
Altered (promptly) by
LB Havering after
letters by local
activists Greta Smith
and Richard Clements |
House of Commons* LB
Westminster |
2 brass plaques
giving 5 distances to
parts of the Houses
of Parliament in
metric units only |
Anti-metric activists
erect 5 metal plates
to cover over the
metric distances |
Hyde Park, LB
Westminster |
Signs to toilets all
in metric units
(about 20
double-sided fingers,
plus other signs to
exits all in metric) |
So far, four sets of
signs changed: ‘300m’
changed to ‘300 yds’,
‘350m’ changed to
‘1/4’, ‘200m’ to ‘250
yds’ (7 distances)
plus three signs to
exits demetricated |
Jodrell Road/Cadogan
Terrace/Wick Lane LB
Tower Hamlets |
4 metric-only bridge
height signs |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Council informed |
Kentish Town Road/
Highgate Road (close
Kentish Town Tube
Station) LB Camden |
Two signs giving
directions to local
recycling centre and
vehicle pound in
metres (200 & 300
respectively) |
Removed and Council
notified cling |
Kenworthy Road A 102
/ Homerton Road B
112, LB Hackney |
Dual metric/British
bridge height signs |
Metric heights whited
out with white paint |
Kings Cross area, LB
Camden |
7 signs giving metric
distances to
Thameslink Station
(blue and white) |
Removed in two raids
by anti-metric
activists |
Lewisham Hill |
Sign to traffic
lights: ‘120m’ at
foot of Lewisham Hill |
Removed by
anti-metric activists |
Lewisham: SE4 and
SE14 areas: Bexhill
Road, Wickham Road,
Geoffrey Road,
Brockley Cross,
Drakefell Road, Pepys
Road, Kitto Road,
Arbuthnot Road,
Waller Road, Erlanger
Road, Brockley
Station: LB Lewsisham |
Approx. 20 metric
signs, either to
width restrictions or
to road humps, plus
width restriction
signs saying: ‘2.13m’
(some of them
blue-and-white) |
16 signs put back
into Imperial by ]
activists, in Manor
Avenue, Geoffrey
Road, Drakefell Road
and Kitto Road – so
Lewisham Hospital |
Height sign at
entrance in only in
metres |
Amended to feet and
inches by antimetric
activists |
Zoo |
Four (green) signs to
Zoo Car Park, three
saying ‘300 metres’
and one saying ‘100
metres’, and one
red-and-white sign
showing entrance
ahead ‘200 metres |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
into English
distances; 1/4 mile,
350 yds (x 2), 150
yds and 200 yds
respectively ‘ |
Masons Hill, Bromley
LB Bromley |
3 blue-and-white
traffic signs giving
distances to weak
bridge in metres |
Painted out by
anti-metric activists
in white with black
card used to give
distances in yards |
Mawneys, (Birch Road/
Cross Road/White Hart
Lane LB Havering |
7 signs giving road
widths and distances
only in metres only |
Altered (promptly) by
LB Havering after
letter by local
activist Richard
Clements |
Mount Pleasant |
Metric height sign
‘2.70m’ |
Oxford Street LB
Westminster |
Signs to McDonalds in
white and red
McDonalds – 50
metres’ |
Parkland Walk LB
Haringey |
17 distances on 4
signs along Parkland
Walk (old Finsbury
Park to Highgate
railway line |
Amended 9 Sep 2005 by
anti-metric activists |
Parliament Hill, LB
Camden |
2 signs to
Information Centre,
300m |
Changed by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘300 YDS’ |
Picketts Lock Road LB
Enfield |
Blue-and-white sign
giving a height as
2.1m (7’0â€) |
Metric height and
brackets removed by
anti-metric activist |
Pratt Street, Camden
LB Camden |
Sign to Car Park,
’20m’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activist;
Council informed |
South Circular Road,
A 205, Brownhill Road
just before Stainton
Road, SE6 LB Lewisham |
‘Humps for 520m’ (one
westbound, one
eastbound) |
Reported by BWMA
member Sam Malin;
later removed by
anti-metric activist
and Lewisham Council
informed |
Spur Way, off
Alfred’s Way/Jenkins
Lane just off A 13 in
Barking LB Newham or
Barking Dagenham? |
Metric only bridge
height sign: ‘5.0m’ |
Reported by BWMA
member Sam Malin, but
Council took no
action; amended by
anti-metric activist
to read: ‘ 16’ 5†‘ |
Stamford Hill, South
Tottenham LB Havering |
Sign warning of
traffic lights ahead
‘115m’ |
Removed and local
Council notified |
Stratford/West Ham/
Beckton area LB
Newham |
About 40-50 signs in
metric along the
‘Greenway’ and
footpaths |
One amended by
anti-metric activist.
The others AWAITING
Thames Path near
Southwark Bridge |
Two signs near
barrier advising
walkers of an
alternative route in
350 metres |
Metal plates and
adhesive reflective
white lettering used
to replace the
distance with sign
showing ‘380 yards’ |
Tollington Way,
Holloway LB Islington |
Four signs in dual
metric/Imperial –
width restriction
7’0†and 2.13m |
Metric widths blacked
out by anti metric
activists 9 Sep 2005 |
Tower of
City |
Metric sign to the
Entrance to the
Tower: ‘250m’ |
Amended by affixing a
‘275 yds’ sign. Tower
staff removed the
‘275 plate’ after a
telephone call about
it from the ‘Daily
Mail’. Reported in
the ‘Peterborough’
column of the ‘Daily
Mail’ on 29 April
2003 (p. 15) |
Tower Hamlets
Distance Signs to
Speed Humps LB Tower
Hamlets |
Metric distances to
speed humps |
Altered by Council
after letter from
Frederick Rodriguez
(‘Yardstick’ 16) |
Upper Thames Street
(junction with High
Timber Street and
Stew Lane) City |
Sign: ‘Humps in 20
metres’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Council notified |
Tower of
(City of
London) |
Sign to Ticket
Office: ‘250m’ |
Vauxhall/Lambeth** LB
Lambeth |
9 fingerpost signs
with 34 double-sided
‘fingers’ on them,
all in metric |
All 34 ‘fingers’ now
covered over by
anti-metric activists
(i.e. 74 distances)
and replaced with
plates showing
British distances.
Amended by LB
Lambeth; re-amend by
antimetric activists |
Wandsworth, A 217 |
Dual height sign,
‘4.3m’ and ‘ 14’ 0†‘ |
‘4.3m’ covered over
by anti-metric |
Waterloo Station area
LB Lambeth |
Three bridge height
signs, all saying
‘2.9m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘9’ 6†|
Lightbowne Road area,
Manchester |
9 distance signs to
road humps in metres |
8 removed by
anti-metric activists
and returned to
City Council. Press
Reports available.
One other similar
sign was spotted by a
Mr M Reaper who took
up the matter with
City Council and got
a promise that the
sign would be changed |
Manchester |
Sign giving distance
to roadworks ahead in
metres |
Painted over by
anti-metric activists
and replaced with
sign in yards |
Stockport – Brabyns
Road, next to
Hotel, Marple Bridge |
‘Caution – Drive
Carefully Car Park
exit 45 metres’ |
Reported by Alan
Coates; eventually
covered over by the
Council |
Birkenhead – Hamilton
area |
Pedestrian signs in
Hamilton area;
cast-iron |
A 1065 Hempton |
Signs to Household
Waste Disposal site:
‘ |
Removed by
County Council 400
metres’ after letter
from ARM |
Felbrigg House near
Cromer |
Signs to National
Trust: ‘300m’ (two) |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘350 yds’ |
Norwich, near
Cathedral/ Tomb Lane |
Signs to Elm Hill:
‘300 metres’ and to
Toilets: ‘120 metres’ |
Reported by Mike
Davies of <st2:City
Sheringham Park**
(National Trust) |
Signs to car park:
‘200 metres’ and ‘100
metres’ |
One amended to read
‘200 yds’; the other
only to ‘yds’ as the
activist was
interrupted. Update:
the NT had replaced
our ‘200 yds’ simply
with an arrow
pointing in the right
direction. The ‘yds’
had been removed, so
an anti-metric
activist affixed
lettering saying ‘1/4
mile’ |
Swanton Morley (near
Dereham) |
Five signs giving
dual speed limits for
tanks: ’20 mph = 32
km/h |
‘=32 km/h’ neatly
blacked out by
anti-metric activist
on all five signs ‘ |
A 1101, Welney |
Four dual river
height signs – in
feet up to 8 feet
high, and in up to
2.5m high |
Metric half of the
signs blacked out by
anti-metric activists
metric |
West of East Dereham
(Swaffham Heath) (A
1122) |
Two signs to Picnic
Site: ‘500 metres’ |
Covered over by
anti-metric activist |
A 43 at Little Oakley |
Two triangular signs:
‘3.9m’ – below signs
saying ‘ 13’ 0†|
Removed by
anti-metric activists
‘ |
A 421 – close to
Junction 13 on M1 |
Metric distance sign |
Amended by
anti-metric activist |
Brixworth area |
Metric distance sign |
Changed into Imperial
after letter from
Stephen Tamblin |
Council |
Letter in ‘The
Times’, 1 May 2002
from Mr R. Mallace, 3
Hinton House Farm
Cottages, Byfield,
DAVENTRY, Northants,
NN11 3QT: “Our
Council wished to put
up a sign indicating
a distance of 50m to
a car park. We have
been informed by the
Highways Department
of the County Council
that metric distances
are illegal: the
distances must be
given in yards†|
Denford |
Signs to ‘Cock Inn’
on canal bridge
giving distances as
‘200m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘300 yds’ |
Geddington |
Sign on southern end
to the village: ‘
2.1m’ road width in ‘
400m ‘ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 6’ 6†in
‘1/4 mile’ |
Great Oakley |
Dual height signs for
railway bridges |
Metric distances
blacked out by
antimetric activists
(two blacked out so
far) |
Greens Norton At A 5
/ A 43 roundabout
near Filling Station |
Notice to ‘Garden
Centre’ in metres |
Northampton Town |
18 signs giving
distances to road
humps in metres |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
from UKIP, dumped a
few miles away in the
undergrowth, reported
to the local papers
and then to the local
Council. Press
reports available |
Northampton Town |
Sign: ’20 metres’
outside Northampton
Library |
River Nene |
Most locks have signs
giving speed limit as
‘11.2 kph’ |
5 signs
amended to read
‘7mph’ in
Wellingborough area
by anti-metric
activists (especially
around <st2:City
and Thrapston) and 8
signs amended just
east of Peterborough
(Cambs) |
Thrapston |
Two signs in Co-op
Store Car Park: ‘2
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘6’ 6†|
Weedon; A 45 Trunk
Road (Highways
(Kidlington turn-off)
and Kislingbury Road,
Rothersthorpe |
Two signs giving
metric distances |
Converted to yards
after letters written
by local anti-metric
activists |
County Fermanagh A 32 |
Sign: ‘Road Works
Ahead 800m’ on
Enniskillen to
Ballinamallard road
(A32) |
County Fermanagh:
Castle Archdale
Forest |
Several metric
footpath signs on
forest tracks |
Londonderry |
Sign ‘Road Humps 135
metres’ in Town
Centre |
Londonderry |
Sign: ‘Road Works
Ahead 800m’ on
to Coleraine Road |
Berwick-on-Tweed |
Metric pedestrian
signs in the town
centre |
Druridge Park |
Metric distance signs
in the park |
Trent Bridge/ Holme
Pierrepont |
Various metric signs
along the canal |
Two large signs
(‘400m’ and ‘150m’ to
Holme Lock replaced
by antimetric
activists with signs
saying ‘¼ mile’ and
‘150 yds’ plus sign
along towpath saying
‘3km’ converted to
‘1¾m’ |
A 361 – top of
Burford, just before
A 44 |
restriction sign –
lorries over ’13
metres’ |
A 41 Aylesbury to
Bicester road |
Several bridge height
signs: ‘4.5m’ |
Banbury Town Centre |
2 signs to Car Park
banning lorries ‘over
6 metres’ |
Replaced by 2 signs
saying ‘ 20’ ‘ |
Upper Heyford |
Metric distance sign
with in M.O.D.
installation |
Covered over by
anti-metric activist |
Thrupp to Littleworth
road |
Six temporary road
signs to Plant
Crossing Ahead at
distances of
200-metres intervals |
Two removed by
anti-metric activist |
Wallingford, South
Oxfordshire |
Wooden footpath signs
with metric distances
on |
Rutland Water |
Blue-and-white signs
in kilometres for
cyclists and
pedestrians, erected
by Anglian water
Chambers (four?) |
Taken down on the
orders of Rutland
District Council and
replaced in Imperial
units after letters
from Mr a Rutland
resident |
A 49 – Skew Bridge |
Temporary sign: ‘Road
Works Ahead 200m’ |
Replaced by sign in
yards within 24 hours
of a complaint being
made by local farmer
Keith Stephens |
Lower Whitcliffe,
near Ludlow (close to
site of former
Bowling Green Hotel) |
Two signs to
dangerous bend:
‘250m’ |
Letter from
Shropshire Council
dated 30 July 2002
says ‘the distance
plates you referred
to have been removed’ |
Shrewsbury |
(1) Road width signs
in metric only (2.0m)
in New Street (2)
Height restriction
entering ‘Park and
Ride’: 2.0m (3)
Bridge height in
metric with Imperial
in brackets |
reported by Andy
Digby |
A 371 near Shepton
Mallett |
Sign to hotel/pub –
300 metres |
Bridgwater – Town
Centre |
Three pedestrian
metric distance
signs, one to
‘Toilets’ |
One amended by local
Council after
representations by
Vicki Gardner; two
others by local
anti-metric activists |
Brent Knoll |
Metric distance sign
spotted by Steve Reed |
Burnham-on-Sea |
Metric distance sign
spotted by Steve Reed |
Frome, top of Castle
Street and Catherine
Street and Nunney
Drive |
Six signs giving
width restrictions of
‘2.0m’ or ‘1.9m’ and
blue-and-white sign
giving metric width
in brackets |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 6’ 6†‘ or
‘ 6’ 2†‘ and metric
width on
blue-and-white sign
blacked out |
Frome, entrance to
Park Hill Drive in
the Welshmill area |
Two more metric-only
signs: ‘2.0m’ |
Glastonbury |
Two metric pedestrian
signs |
Converted to yards
after letters to
Mendip District
Council by Steve Reed
Press reports
available |
Mells, near Frome
(opposite Mells Post
Office |
Two metric-only road
width signs: ‘2.0m’ |
Templecombe, near
Yeovil, on A 357 |
Two signs saying ‘No
footway for 282
metres’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Somerset County
Council informed |
Wells Cathedral |
Sign outside the
cathedral – entrance
for wheelchairs and
prams 20 metres |
A 5 – Crematorium
(just north of the M
6) |
‘Crematorium – 200
metres’ (2 signs) |
Cannock Case –
Forestry Commission |
Metric-only distances
to Forestry
Commission Car Park,
for cycle routes in
the forest, and to
emergency telephones |
Forestry Commission
have agreed to
replace or remove
metric-only signs on
the highway, but not
inside the forest
(Letter from Mr P
Honey to Director of
Forestry Commission).
Two signs at Visitor
Centre giving
Distances for cycle
routes of 6km, 7km
and 15km changed to 3
¾ miles, 4 ½ miles
and 9 miles
respectively |
Hodnet By-Pass (A 53) |
Four temporary signs
erected by McAlpine
warnings of road
works so many
‘metres’ ahead |
Replaced by signs in
yards after a giving
letter from
Staffordshire County
Councillor |
Stoke on Tent (City
Centre) |
Two metric distance
signs one near
Maplins Store
Road (B 5041) and one
near Woolworths,
Campbell Place (A 52 |
Converted to yards by
the Council after
representations by
Steve Tildesley
including a piece on
Radio ) |
Bury St. Edmunds |
9 brown-and-white
tourist signs with
metric on them, plus
sign to Nuffield
Hospital: ‘80
metres’, plus sign to
car park: ‘250m’,
plus metric distance
sign ‘570 metres’ |
All converted by
anti-metric activists
distances to the
correct Imperial
distances |
Bury St. Edmunds |
Four illegal
road-width signs each
giving road width as
‘2.4m’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activists
and Council informed |
Bury St. Edmunds;
Entrance to British
Sugar |
Two signs: ‘Goods 300
metres’, ‘B.S.
Factory 400 metres’ |
Eyke |
Car Park height sign,
‘ 2.2 M ‘ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 7’ 2†‘ |
Lowestoft Promenade |
6 pedestrian signs in
4 years erected by
Waveney District
Council |
Each taken down
reluctantly on
receipt of protest
letters from UKIP
member Pat Carroll |
Melford Hall
(National Trust),
Long Melford |
Sign outside Melford
Hall: Car Park:
‘100m’ |
Melton Riverside
Picnic Site/Car Park
(near Woodbridge) |
3 metric-only height
signs, two outside
the park, each
reading 2.3m |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
car to read: 7′ 6â€
Press reports
available |
Needham Market A 1078
near A 14 |
Two signs to low
bridge on A 1078: ‘
2.4m ‘ |
Removed by
anti-metric activist
and Council informed |
Rendlesham Forest |
Signs giving
distances to
campsite, car park
and offices in
metres: 50m, 100m,
150m |
Changed with
brown-and-white signs
to 60yds, 120 yds and
175 yds by
anti-metric activists
Press reports
available |
Southwold Promenade
(Walberswick end) |
double- sided
pedestrian sign to
road: ‘Ferry Road
100m – WC’ |
Removed by
anti-metric activist
and Council informed |
Dorking (Mole Valley
Council) |
Sign giving distance
to road hump ’80
metres’ |
Removed after Council
claimed their sign
‘broke no
regulation’. Letter
sent to Council
informing them |
Holmethorpe, Redhill |
Sign: ‘Holmethorpe
Industrial Estate:
500m’ |
Covered over with
sticky tape by
antimetric activist
(member of BWMA);
then re-covered with
a label by the
Council in metric;
now all labels have
been peeled off
leaving the sign free
of the illegal
measurement |
M25 (Junctions 5 to
6) |
Metric distance
signs, M25 A 39.8 and
M25 B 39.8 |
One removed, one
folded over by
anti-metric activist |
off 25 junction for
Sunbury driving north
on M 25 from M 25 / M
3 junction |
‘Disabled Toilet;
Lay-By 350 mtrs’ |
Reported by Idris
Francis |
WEST (291)
A 259 between
Bexhill-on-Sea and
Eastbourne |
Two signs on a
roundabout: ‘Car Park
100 metres’ |
White-on-black plates
affixed replacing
‘metres’ with ‘yds’ |
Ashburnham House* |
Two metric distance
signs |
Converted to yards by
anti-metric activists |
Bexhill-on-Sea |
Highway sign: ‘Two
junctions in 85 |
Converted to British
distances by metres’
Council after letter
from Anthony Leeding |
Bexhill-on-Sea |
Two sets of
fingerpost signs on
the promenade in
metres (6 doublesided
fingers) |
Metal plates used to
convert them to
miles/yards Press
Reports available |
Brighton, Grand
Parade |
Traffic sign to
University: 400
metres |
Over-labelled in
yards after letter
from Jeffrey Titford
M.E.P. Press reports
available |
Crawley, Queens
Square and Broadway |
pedestrian signs in
town centre |
60 metric distances
on 22 fingers on 6
signs painted over by
anti-metric activist;
4 distances had
Imperial distances
placed on them until
the Police stopped
the action by
arresting the
activist |
Chichester, Velyn
Avenue |
Metric distance sign |
Changed to one in
yards by the Council
after representations
by local anti-metric
activist |
Eastbourne Promenade |
26 metric distance
signs erected by
Eastbourne Council
along the promenade
with the help of an
Irish health charity,
at 500-metre
intervals |
Amended by the
Council in early 2003
after representations
by Andrew Dakyns and
Rev. Norman
Greenfield. Now
relocated at ½-mile
intervals |
Eastbourne Promenade |
4 signs giving
distances to ramps
for disabled people;
various from ‘155
METRES’ to ‘190
Amended by
anti-metric activists
affixing plates with
‘200 yds’ on them
distances |
Fairlight, near
Hastings |
Sign: ‘Tea Rooms
300m’ |
Gatwick Airport: Exit
from North Terminal |
Two metric distances
(’90m’) on exit from
Gatwick Airport |
Painted over by
anti-metric activist
[Other similar signs
reported at Gatwick
Hastings Promenade* |
Cast-iron metric
fingerpost signs
along Promenade |
138 metal plates used
on 69 double sided
fingers on 11 seaside
fingerpost signs
Press reports
available |
Hastings* |
Distance ‘150mts’ on
tourist notice in Old
Hastings |
Metal plate used to
change it to ‘YDS’.
This was removed by
the Council so
another one has been
erected saying ‘150
yds’ |
Hastings (Hastings to
Bexhill Road |
Sign: ‘Beach 400m’ d) |
Metal plate used to
give a distance of
‘1/4m’ |
Hastings A2101 |
5 double-sided
distance signs on A
2101 in metres |
White paint and card
used to convert to
yards |
Hastings |
3 entrances to car
parks with height
signs only in metres
(2.0, 2.2, 2.25) |
White paint and card
used to convert to
feet/inches (6’6â€,
7’4â€, 7’5â€). Signs
now replaced by the
Council in dual units |
Hastings |
3 traffic signs
giving distances to
humps in metres |
Removed and Council
notified |
Hastings |
Six distances to
toilets on a
tourist sign, ‘400m’,
‘450m’ and ‘1100m’ |
Covered with
white-on-brown plates
by anti-metric
activists: 4 x ‘1/4
mile’, 2 x ‘ ¾ mile’ |
Hastings (The Ridge) |
Footpath signs along
‘the Ridge’, Hastings
(green) |
Four double-sided
fingers converted to
distances in yards |
Hastings (4m N. of
Hastings on A 21) |
Two signs to
Claremont School: ’50
metres’ |
Metal plates covered
over the words
‘metres’ to read
‘yds’ |
Hastings (Hastings to
Bexhill Road)
accompanying British
height signs |
Two unnecessary
metric bridge height
signs (4.8m) |
Removed and Council
notified |
Promenade |
Pedestrian sign on
seafront giving
distance in metres |
Metric distance
covered over by Arun
District Council
after representations
from local resident
Press reports
available |
Steyning (note this
incident took place
in 1997) |
Metric distance
warning signs to
Transco pipeline
(around 10) |
Removed after
representations by
BWMA member Paul
Rippingham |
Inverkirkraig |
Footpath sign (double
sided) to Kirkraig
Falls; ‘ 3.5 k ‘ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 2 ¼ m ‘ |
All 41 locks on the
River |
Either one, or two
signs on the entrance
and exit of each lock
saying ‘8 kilometres
per hour’ |
Two signs removed so
far: at Romney
Locknear Windsor and
Lower Shiplake near
Truss’s Island (south
of Staines) |
Sign: speed limit on
river: 8 kilometres
per hour |
Fish Quay, Sunderland |
Pedestrian sign:
‘Fish Quay, 700
metres’ (two-sided) |
Replaced with British
distance after
protest by Metric
Martyr Neil Herron
Press reports
available |
North Tyneside –
Middle Engine Lane,
North Shields |
Sign to Silverlink
1km and Percy Main 2
½ km (blue-and-white)
plus green bridleway
sign in km |
North Tyneside
Council agreed to
replace these after a
campaign by Judith
Wallace, a member of
the North-East Region
Committee of UKIP |
A 41 / M 42 Junction |
Private roadside
sign: ‘Site Entrance
100 Metres’ |
Removed from roadside
by anti-metric
activists |
to Stratford-on-Avon
road |
Two signs in metres
to a banqueting
centre |
Covered over by
anti-metric activist |
Dunchurch |
Illegal metric-only
traffic sign |
Changed by
Warwickshire C.C.
after representations
from M J Parker |
Hunningham (Leam
Bridge) |
Two metric-only width
restriction signs |
Changed by the
Council after
representations by M
J Parker |
Solihull, just south
of M42 |
Three illegal
dual-unit width
restriction signs and
two other unnecessary
roundels saying width
restriction ‘ 2.0m ‘ |
Metric distances on
dual width signs
blacked out and the
two metric roundels
removed by
anti-metric activists |
Stratford-on-Avon**** |
4 large
signs in metres to
local emergency
telephones |
replaced by signs
showing equivalent
distances in yards by
activists. Press
reports available.
Council has now
over-labelled with
the distance in yards
with the equivalent
distance in metres in
brackets and smaller
lettering |
Butterfly Farm |
Metric distances to
Butterfly Farm |
Not found |
Salisbury – A 345
southbound, near Old
Sarum |
‘Old House Harvester
150 metres’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read ‘150 yds’ |
Minor road just west
of Bromsgrove |
Blue and white sign;
‘Give Way’ in ‘200
metres’ |
Holderness in County
of East Riding of
Yorkshire |
Two temporary metric
distance signs |
One replaced with a
sign in yards and one
removed after Mr W R
Bell of Ottringham
wrote to the Council |
York Railway Station |
Sign: ’50 metres’ |
Moor Monkton |
Two footpath signs to
wood, each with on
them (four in
total)**** |
Anti-metric activists
covered over the
Under- metric
distances with
black-and-white ‘ 7km
‘ plates saying:
’41/2’ stances |
Moor Monkton, Cattal,
Kirk Hammerton area |
Six more footpath
signs with metric
distances on them |
Amended by
activities to read in
miles |
Moor Monkton |
Private sign to 17th
century school |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘ 11/2 ‘ |
Scotch Corner
Roundabout, on A1
just north of Scotch
Corner Hotel |
Two signs to
Weighbridge: ‘200m’ |
Amended by
anti-metric activists
to read: ‘200 yds’ |
Sowerby, near Thirsk |
Metric-only road
width and distance
sign (white on red) –
3m in 400m |
Amended to width
restriction 10′ 6†in
¼ mile by anti-metric
activists |
York City Council |
Thirty footpath signs
with metric distances
on them |
Amended by York
Council placing
plastic discs over
them and apologising
for having made an
‘error’ |
Barnsley, Worsborough
Mill (Wigfield Farm) |
Distances between
Silkstone Common and
Wombwell in
kilometres only |
Tong Village, near
Leeds |
Two metric footpath
signs 0.25km and
1.4km to two local
destinations (doublesided) |
Amended to Imperial
by anti-metric
activists |