

Our November 2017 new member hailing from the Southampton area adopting the name Slug – which is a unit of mass defined in the US common system of units.


“Hot Rod Hanchett”

Our latest member from over the pond – see his letter here… what a nice letter, sums up a lot!
Well said that man Hot Rod!


Mr Donald Haigh of Dunfermline, Scotland

our illustrator, for designing our logos and thanks for all his support


British Weights and Measures Association

for advice and financial assistance


“Furlong” of London

for many generous donations to enable us to remove and amend many illegal metric distance signs


“Half Pint”

for support, sustenance and sandwiches


“Dr S Cruple”

for his assistance on many raids


“Fahrenheit Fanatic”

of The Americans for Customary Weight and Measure, who helped set up the A.R.M. Facebook and Twitter pages, and has assisted, here, with correcting and updating this page


“The Grinch”

Some say he can stop his dogma from being run over by his karma, but we thank him for valuable assistance on website development.


“Polly Peck”, “Rod Pole”, “Hundredweight”

and many other members, supporters and spotters who help us to eradicate unwanted metric detritus



for graphic design


Iain Mackintosh

for creating the cartoon featuring the late Steve Thoburn, greengrocer from Sunderland, which we’ve used on one of our postcards


all our members

who have supported us financially or in any other practical way


Compliant Councils

who have removed their illegal metric signs and have saved us the trouble of doing so[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]